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Congratulations! …….to our January 2018 Social Media Winners! Lori Chambliss Bannister & Marion Craft Gossett Enjoy your $20 Starbucks...
Let’s face it: You’re a busy person, and oral health is probably not the first thing on your mind...
It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re brushing your teeth, but often times that means we stop...
If you’re a frequent traveler or just someone always on the go, it’s a great idea to have an...
The changing of seasons can be a very exciting time but it can also have a real impact on...
Dry mouth, also known as Xerostomia in the medical world, can be the result of any number of factors,...
The facts about grinding your teeth and what you can do to stop
caprockoralsurgery, , Expert Analysis | Peer to PeerDo you ever wake up from a night’s sleep with sore teeth and jaws? If this is the...